Other projects

Timing of projects may vary, depending on the weather. Other general cleanup projects will take place throughout the year. Volunteers should dress appropriately for the work and the weather. Learn more and sign up to volunteer here.

Street Trees Care

Spring - Fall

We teach the community how to care for street trees, including proper watering, mulching, and cleaning tree pits. Learn more about this project here.

Invasive removal

Spring - Fall

A great way to protect our native plant species is to remove invasive plants. Some weeds look like beautiful plants, but don’t let them fool you! We’ll teach you the difference.


Spring - Fall

Planting flowers throughout neighborhood parks and the Red Hook Recreation Center beautifies the area and helps our neighbors and local businesses take pride.



Outdoor features like benches and fences need regular upkeep as they’re exposed to the elements. We freshen them up to give our park spaces a neat, clean look.

Bulb Planting


Learn how to plant flower bulbs properly so they stand the best chance of growing and flowering. Then come back in the spring and watch your work bloom!


Fall - Spring

Fall and winter are raking seasons in Red Hook. We help the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation by collecting the leaves around our parks and fields.