Become a member

Looking for ways to serve the community? Take your volunteerism to the next level by becoming a Red Hook Conservancy Member. Our organization is run by volunteers, and we’re always in need of more regular, dedicated volunteers who are willing and able to lend their talents and skills. Here are just some of our immediate needs:

  • Help prep tools and equipment for regular volunteer events

  • Assist in planning special events

  • Create content for our social media, including documenting volunteer events with photos and video

  • Engage in community outreach, including local residences, schools, organizations, and businesses

Do you have other special skills or talents that you think would be helpful? We’d love to hear about them.

We’re looking for people who are reliable, responsible, and willing to make a long-term commitment to help us achieve our goals. If you’re interested, please fill out this form, making note of your area(s) of interest and/or special skills. We’ll be in touch to discuss potential opportunities. And you might just get a t-shirt out of it! 😊

Note that membership does not include a seat on our board.